
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Twisted Knots

Let failures not be the marks of shame,
for now they dance as hateful flame.
Success is just one step away,
yet mistakes make perfection sway.
I have no love for you! My teacher.
nor for the gifts of clarity,
nor for the gifts of fairness,
for those I have receive none.
What I have
is a stamp of grave
of merely incompetence
outside lurid intelligence.
I wanted to shout
Judge me not
for you have no right;
yet I know I better not,
since that will be the night
of my last flight
towards any acceptable plight.
Ah fate, once again I wanted to shout
You have forsaken me
yet I know better not
since breaking will only flatten
the little hope to be great.
I see,
eyes of vermilion,
I sing,
words of oliven.
Once again, for better or for worse,
this is the path I have chosen,
thus even the slight wish that is frozen,
will not mark me shame.
I will dance to the crimson flame.

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