
Monday, December 23, 2019

Memories of the Stars

It is a wellspring of inspiration
based on an intuition without cause

It is a complexity's explosion
raced on an excursion without laws

A name once heard and told as mundane
But now precious
Entangled in the maelstrom of emotions

A face once seen and forgotten in passing
Now memorable
Restless treading in the path of a typhoon

On the slope that divided the night,
On the bank that flashed fireflies,
On the steps where solitude slew,
reasons, laid to rest,
I heard my resonating heartbeats flew
Unfamiliar, and afraid to move

Shall we dance for the waxing crescent?
Shall we drink to the passing stardust?

At the edge of the universe,
would my words still convey the same sense of longing?
On the slope that divides the night
I am still waiting for that one destined to appear

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