
Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Stars of Youth

The stars are fluttering in the endless rhythms,
with their trails of endless glittering.
For youngsters have taken them,
into the never ending beats of joy.
Bursts of life and of love,
breaking restraints that have placed on them,
overthrowing the laws that have decreed on them,
shattering the shackles and the convention,
that kept them tamed,
that kept them regulated,
and kept them to what it thought need to be.
But the sparks, even though small,
from those together has brought light,
not a meteor shower,
the opposite of a solar eclipse,
the light in the deepest night that shines from the other horizon,
reborn with the smallest circles of radiance.
The steps synchronize in unison.
The swings rock in unison.
Every breath that manifests the representation of the time that we will never forget, never be able to forget,
and most importantly,
never will forget,
is now engraved in every drop of perspiration,
every cry against the flow of time,
every muscle contraction in the heart,
every amp of current that execute the nerve,
and it is the everlasting youth,
that will last the eternity.

Congratulations, and may you see the greatest fortune.

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