
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The End of the Live Spaces

A long, long time ago, my blog lived in Windows Live Space. It was a secret garden of thoughts and stories, where photos and pictures thrived. The Halo 3 theme was my favorite especially, which made everything uniform and mysterious at the same time.
But, it is no longer the home where thoughts belong. I know that one day, it will perish in the waves of innovation and popularity. My wish was in a state of ambivalence:  though I wish it will prosper, it shall remain hidden.

So, what has been done is done. Migration to Wordpress. The original twilight has lost its brilliance; all it left is an hollowed shadow.

As this serves as the face of the moon, the duty of the sun will be thus passed down. Deference to irresistible fate, I shall raise my flag again. In the storm wind of a constantly changing world, my voice shall remain as it is.

Faith to the new-found land.

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