
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Memoir Over the Nine Years

I am a mercurial creature
whose shadowy caricatures unseen.
I am history's accidental exile,
rooting a fictitious recording.

Folklore's child
blends in an unfinished fairytale.

For the past nine years,
you are the burden of my conscious,
but you are also the fire
that lit my passion,
to reach and to strive.

Maybe you have forgotten that small promise,
Maybe I have not been clear
on where I stand and where I will be,
but I will be here
and I will be there
and I will always be in a place,
close yet difficult to reach,
watching and praying quietly,
until one day you will notice again.

For now, I call the name of Nue,
from now on,
I wait for the one who will discover my true form.

To those of my comrades,
to those of my brothers and sisters,
to that one that I once loved.


班主任 张红英
鲍 静 陈冰心 陈 诚 陈 敏 华苏婷 江 虹 金瑶函 李梦晶
刘晶琦 刘梦丹 陆 静 潘颖菡 邱晓彦 舒 乐 王光妍 王梦逸
王 燕 吴吟艳 徐思斯 杨晓璐  俞卓君 张 帆 张 俐 张 曦
张易平 周 怡 周志烨 訾彦訚 邹 玮 戴晨飞 房志成 葛 晨
胡晋篪 黄哲远 贾雪晨 解 非 金 晶 冷 超 郦 政 陆佳诚
陆瑶晶 马寅之 祁一鸣 钱 喆 乔 达 芮 欣 万若愚 王 曦
王 昕 王幸寅 薛 斌 严寅杰 姚 宁 张 景 赵 臻 庄嵩杰
陈 昕 张 磬


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