
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Course Tracked

Aligning the sextant to some bright stars,
Midnight looked never so impressive yet far.
I let one sight down the telescope, 
opening vast ocean deluded with hope.
Over the calm surfaces of waves,
wreckage lays.
The lapidary expert builds graves 
to a head of clay.

Was that expected? Yes, it is. 
But no? All are not inside the expectation. 
Sorry, which I cannot yet understand.
And so, I should know with no doubts in heart. 

Let's try an analogy, 
The alumina itself is worthless, 
but doped with chromium,
and selectively cut,
it will shine with much brilliance.
Note, it is starting with alumina.
The artisan has replete methods,
but the transformation tries one by one,
finding land in the midst of sea?
Just that, if I say "Aye Aye."
Expectation is certainly wider than the span of this ocean,
but there is only one ship, one captain, and one sailor.

I will not yield to the incoming storm, 
"Through it, I say," mind obdurate.
If tides shall nest my home, let it settle.
Choice is one, the one that is made. 
Tightening the mast, 
and waiting for the silver to again spread across the sea.

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