So what did I do on New Year's Eve?
Wrapping things up in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
You might think it is a bit stupid and antisocial for me to do that (well, I agree), but the time I first got the game was the summer after freshman year in college five years ago. Andrew Luo was still my buddy at the time and so many of the pre-med have now made into University of Iowa Medical School. Time sure flies.
Anyways, finishing on easy a game that was spanned over a five year period is certainly an accomplishment. And Ike only got the 5th place in record (Titania did not even make to top five). There are Mia (trueblade's critical is scary), Micaiah (many kills with blessed Purge), Soren (double hits with Adept activating), and (drumroll...dadadadada)
Yep, Marcia. I am not sure if she got buffed or something, but I am always going to her when I need the job done (before I used bonus exp. on Ike Lv. 16, she was doing more damage to Deghinsea). Of course, in terms of Character Love, I would give more to Mia, or Nephenee (seriously a beast in Path of Radiance), or Sigrun (very dreamy onee-sama archtype). But Canto + Savior combo worked great that made her a great rescue when long range healing was not available. Nice evasion ensures that she would survive after giving a lift to the wounded. Well, that is why she is great.
I thought Shion would no doubt made to the top five because he either crits or activates deadeye every other attack, or well, I guess I was using Rolf a lot.
Second playthrough is highly unlikely at this point in time. Maybe once I get out of grad school and have a stable job with more free time.
Oh well. That is that. The past is put aside.