
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Visions of You

History connects in slits of time
Moments born from flashes of changes
Past seemingly lost 
like tarnished silver 
yet lingering malevolence 
etches slowly in arsenic  

The abyss of longing 
From strands of your hair to the tips of your fingers
The visions of you
From the curve of your lips to the lines of your tears

One day my words may fail you or many days they may
One day my memories may fail me or they may yet so
I will forgive all your transgressions 
I will carry all my contradictions 

I just want to make you happier 
with a method I can understand
with as much effort I can muster 
I can apologize when I see my errors 
for misunderstanding you
for misunderstanding myself 

If apologizing simply for the sake of apology
it is empty
the moment of validation holds no truth

I can recall how exactly our paths cross
How each image of you pierces into me
A road tiled with fascination around attachment
vague in definition but pristine 
A vestige of you created in my mind in chaotic perfection